
By Eric Olguin, Valued Contributor Self-control seems like the holy grail of anyone who wants to take control of their life. Whether it’s getting in shape, making more money, or just waking up on time, people look at self-control as the only way to achieve those things. While self-control is important, it’s a fool’s errand.   Self-control is a finite resource. Exercising it all day and every day is exhausting. What if you could achieve all your goals by running on autopilot? What if you could get what you want by accident? The way to do this is not by controlling yourself, it’s by controlling your environment.  Controlling your environment Controlling your environment on a basic level means making bad habits hard to do, and good habits easy to do. If you spend too much time watching TV, unplug it. Move it to the garage or a storage closet. Maybe...
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By Olivia Arambula, LPC In life it is guaranteed that you are going to experience a setback from time-to-time, and sometimes it may even feel like one setback after another. Having mental resilience is an imperative skill for navigating the inevitable challenges and stressors of life. But what exactly is mental resilience, and how can we cultivate it to improve our well-being? Mental resilience is the ability to adapt and recover from adversity, trauma, stress, or significant sources of distress. It doesn’t mean avoiding stress or difficulties altogether but rather managing and overcoming them effectively. Resilient individuals can maintain a positive outlook, stay focused under pressure, and bounce back from setbacks more quickly. How Mental Resilience Impacts Your Life Improved Mental Health: Resilient individuals are less likely to suffer from mental health issues like depression and anxiety. They can handle stress better and maintain a more balanced emotional state. Better...
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Written by Olivia Arambula, LPC Mental health is the state of your emotional, psychological and social well-being. The state of your mental health can have an impact on the way you cope with stress, interact in your relationships, view a situation, and behave in general. With all the different components that mental health can impact it is easy to see how it would influence your quality of life. When you hear good and bad mental health, it is not a judgment of how you are or what you’re feeling, rather, it refers to your ability to cope with life’s challenges, develop fulfilling relationships, adapt to changes and setbacks, and have a positive sense of self-worth.   The state of one’s mental health is not static in nature, meaning that it can be ever-changing. Depending on what is occurring in your life, how you are coping with it, and how many protective factors...
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Written by Olivia Arambula, LPC. When you watch an athlete competing, you are watching a surface level representation of what that athlete is about. You yell and cheer at them to go faster, to not make dumb or frustrating decisions that you wouldn’t have made if you were playing. What you don’t consider is what that person is experiencing during a competition or even the days, weeks, or months leading up to that moment.   Athletes must learn to hone their physical abilities as well as their mental capabilities. They are put under immense stress and pressure by themselves, their coaches, their teammates, and the spectators. The high pressure can be caused due to a fear of disappointment, failure, or unrealistic expectations. This stress and pressure to perform in a given moment creates a lot of anxiety and, depending on their mindset and performance, it can impact their self-esteem and...
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